Well, when I went to You Tube to get the song to post here I found this interesting comment from a listener.
"My fondest memory of this song was when our "good old Southern Baptist preacher" got up one Sunday morning and preached to the teenagers on the evil music we listened to on the radio. He used Sugar Shack as an example as he preached about wild and lustful teenage romances and sinful relationships. Half of us hadn't even heard Sugar Shack but the next day we all hurried down to the local record shop and bought up all the copies. Loved that music ,1963 what a year. Sweet Memories!
Funny thing about this guy's comment is that I went to church this past Sunday and heard rock music as part of a church service...yes Springsteen, Coldplay and more. The sermon this special day was about the importance of blending secular music into the 21st century church...here is the link to the minister's blog...http://rj-whenlovecomestotown.blogspot.com/
Here is the song...
My father owned a 1963 Chevy Impala SS that was his pride and joy. In fact my father taught

The next song is a great one about loneliness and love. The song just sounded extra good on the Mass Pike that night!
ah the stories we could tell about each of these songs: 1) I owned Sugar Shack and used to listen to it almost every night during the summer before the Beatles hit big; 2) Then the Beatles - it was AGONY waiting for HELP to be released I was such a fan; and I used to go to my neighbor's basement and play that we WERE the Beatles to the HELP album once it was released; 3) And Bill Withers - we played this song when daughter number 2 was away during high school for a year in Spain; every time we went by her room it was all we could hear: it even wound up on the answering maching for a bit. What a great and moving posting...